Puerto Bahía Sowing Awareness 3

An environmental mangrove planting day together with various allied companies.

In commitment to environmental, social and governance principles, today we developed the first mangrove planting day “Sowing Conscience” on Coquito beach in the community of Ararca in the company of our strategic allies.

These resilient trees not only serve as guardians of our coasts, they also symbolize our shared dedication to preserving the environment and fostering sustainability.

One thousand plants are equivalent to one new hectare of mangrove and symbolize the birth of an ecosystem that will provide food and livelihoods for the communities in the Area of Direct Influence and will capture up to 5 times more carbon dioxide than other tropical forests, helping to mitigate the effects of the global warming.

During this day, the community Ecotourism company, Tuarisba; Made up of 90% women leaders belonging to the communities of Ararca, Santa Ana and Barú, they were in charge of guiding the tour through the sector and sharing their ancestral knowledge about the mangrove tree; considered the first line of defense of the island of Barú.

At Puerto Bahía we have been characterized by being at the forefront of legal regulatory compliance processes with respect to commitment to the environment and the development of strategies that guarantee medium and long-term sustainability. Together, as stewards of the sea we plant the seeds of change today, ensuring a healthier and more viable maritime ecosystem for the future generation.

We are proud to host this unique event in which companies such as Porshe, Frontera Energy, Toyota, Sofasa, Isacol, Grupo Nutresa, Nissan, Gasco, Grupo Mover, Al día Logística, GM, Hapag Lloyd, Ingecol, among others, joined us. others.

In other news

Primer buque de Grimaldi en arribar a Colombia recala en Puerto Bahía

Se proyecta un futuro prometedor con una red global como la de Grimaldi, que conecta más de 150 puertos y goza de una gran flota moderna. La inclusión de Puerto Bahía en su red de rutas no solo mejora la conectividad de Cartagena y Colombia, sino que también fortalece la posición del país como un punto estratégico en el comercio.

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